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What is ORMUS?

ORMUS/ORMEs, short for David Hudson's "Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements," is the acronym used to refer to so-called high-spin state monoatomic and diatomic elements of the precious metal and platinum metal group, and others. The many names of ORMUS/ORMEs include Star Fire Gold, M-state, WPG (White Powder Gold), Universal Medicine, Philosopher's Stone, Manna... the list goes on. It is all around us in the air, the sea, fresh water, essential oils, and certain foods. You deserve only the best, so we make sure to source our products from the finest materials to provide a unique consistency.
ORMUS in its various forms is the Manna spoken of in the Bible, the "Food of the Gods" spoken of in ancient texts, the Philosopher's Stone of the medieval alchemists, the "Bread of the Presence" spoken of by David Hudson,the ancient Egyptian Shewbread in the Scrolls of Anni and temple hieroglyphics. These substances cause demonstrable changes in the brain waves associated with out of body experience, bilocation, and levitation, among other psi experiences. The knowledge has been rediscovered and shared by David Hudson, and more recently Barry Carter with all who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. It truly seems too good to be true, and right before our eyes all along!
ORMUS/ORMEs, short for David Hudson's "Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements," is the acronym used to refer to so-called high-spin state monoatomic and diatomic elements of the precious metal and platinum metal group, and others. The many names of ORMUS/ORMEs include Star Fire Gold, M-state, WPG (White Powder Gold), Universal Medicine, Philosopher's Stone, Manna... the list goes on. It is all around us in the air, the sea, fresh water, essential oils, and certain foods. You deserve only the best, so we make sure to source our products from the finest materials to provide a unique consistency.
ORMUS in its various forms is the Manna spoken of in the Bible, the "Food of the Gods" spoken of in ancient texts, the Philosopher's Stone of the medieval alchemists, the "Bread of the Presence" spoken of by David Hudson,the ancient Egyptian Shewbread in the Scrolls of Anni and temple hieroglyphics. These substances cause demonstrable changes in the brain waves associated with out of body experience, bilocation, and levitation, among other psi experiences. The knowledge has been rediscovered and shared by David Hudson, and more recently Barry Carter with all who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. It truly seems too good to be true, and right before our eyes all along!
Ultimately I hope to inspire you to make your own. The very best for you is made by yourself; the alchemist is a most important ingredient. Masters create and inspire others to be Masters, not just customers.

"The kingdom of heaven is before your eyes, but you do not see it." from The Gospel of Thomas the Apostle

Your way through the narrow gate. Fasten your seat belt.
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